Category Tech Info

How to hide Last Seen Information on WhatsApp?

Everybody is using WhatsApp in the world of smartphones. WhatsApp is a smartphone messenger app like many others and holds the majority of the market share. WhatsApp is so popular that people have started using it as a verb like ''Bro WhatsApp me your contact''. It all started with messenger apps like Blackberry Messenger(BBM) and replaced later by WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Viber, Line, Snapchat, Hike, WeChat, Allo and many others.

What is Bitcoin and How does it work?

What is a Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency developed by a group of programmers known by the nickname Satoshi Nakamoto. The concept of bitcoin was initially introduced in the year 1998. Some other popular cryptocurrencies available are Dash, Namecoin, Litecoin,…